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Health & Hygiene
21 products
Hygiene is key to your pets health.
The hutch and cage should be kept clean, with either daily spot cleans or a through clean out once a week. It is a good idea to use a pet friendly disinfectant. We have a range of cleaning equipment to help, from hutch scrapers, spray bottles and a full range of dust pans.
Rabbits are very easy to litter train, this will aid in keeping their hutch or cage clean and tidy. My Rabbit Stuff have a very good range of litter trays corner and rectangle -there will be on that fits your needs.
We also must think of your pets coat, this needs to be kept dirt and mat free, My Rabbit Stuff stock a large range of brushes and combs and we even have three different types of nail cutters. So from the longest coated Rabbit to the Rex coated rabbit we have something suitable for you to use on your pet.
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